介绍:C80微量热仪是法国塞塔拉姆(Setaram)公司研发,享誉业界的经典微量热仪。借助卡尔维(CALVET) 量热原理的三维传感器(“3D-sensor”),全方位探测样品热效应。全面突破普通平板DSC量热效率低、样品量小且形态单一、无法原位混合等技术瓶颈,完全真实反映样品的物理化学性质,并提供无与伦比的测试精度。
C80集等温与扫描功能于一身,配备多种样品池,具有混合、搅拌、定量加样等功能。另外C80拥有超大样品量(可达12.5ml)的反应釜,并可实时监控压力最大为 1000bar。特别适用于催化反应、水泥水化、润湿和吸附反应、CO2捕获与封存、储氢材料、过程安全的评价及火炸药、推进剂等含能材料的研究。
3)多种反应样品池,可以实现翻转、搅拌、定量加样等操作,模拟固液混合、流体(气、液)混合、润湿溶解等反应过程, 模拟实际的反应过程,获得更为真实可靠的结果。
Incomparable precision of measurement:
the 3D Calvet sensor totally surrounds the sample, and all heat evolved is measured. No matter how small or large the thermal transformation the system provides a complete picture of the event.
Absolute calibration: with a three-dimensional transducer the sensitivity of the C80 is independent of:
The weight, form and nature (powder, fiber, liquid, etc.) of the sample.
Any contact between the sample and the transducer.
The type of crucible used.
The nature of the sweeping gas (inert, oxidizing, wet) and its flow rate.
Flexibility using the power of the detector and the wide range of available vessels the C80 calorimeter offers the ability to simulate almost any process condition:
Isothermal calorimeter: the heat measurement is performed at a constant temperature
Scanning calorimeter: the heat measurement is performed during a temperature program
Reaction calorimeter: mixing vessels allow for the simulation of reaction conditions, liquid/liquid, solid/liquid and even gas phase reactions can be measured.
Cp Measurement, liquids, solids and powders
Heats of solution and many more.
中心及团队标准:润湿热测试:0/小时;100/样品 比热容测试:0/小时;150/样品
校内标准:润湿热测试:0/小时;200/样品 比热容测试:0/小时;300/样品
校外标准:润湿热测试:0/小时;300/样品 比热容测试:0/小时;500/样品