


简介:新一代的接触角测量仪包括了从全手动到全自动的所有配置。由于是模块式的设计,任何程度上的自动化都可以实现甚至在您的仪器用过一段时间后也可以实现操作自动化的升级。不同的样品体积、不同的测量技术双模块概念,KRÜSS GmbH 所研究开发的具有革命性创新意义的接触角测量技术。使您无论在测量中遇到什么样的难题–DSA100都可以帮助您迎刃而解。总共30,000余种不同的配置,可以象堆积木一样简单的组合在一起,任何需要和在自动化控制上的要求都可瞬间实现。








7)新型的 Peltier 温控室,自动温度调节快速,精确。


9)完全模块设计, 可以全手动或全自动调节固体样品的位置。




Introduction: The standard version of our Drop Shape Analyzer is a special version of our DSA100 system solution for measuring the contact angle and the surface free energy of a solid. It provides all the technical advantages of the DSA100 system with regard to optics and sample size. We have put together the additional, flexible components of the DSA100S especially for quality assurance and the scientific investigation of wetting and coating processes.

Manual axes for the three spatial directions enable the required measuring position to be adjusted accurately and without contact, even for larger samples. Our liquid dosing unit is software-controlled and enables the drop volume and the dosing feed to be precisely adjusted. This enables the measuring conditions for the contact angle to be accurately reproduced. Measuring the advancing and receding angle averages out local inhomogeneities and provides reliable data for assessing the roughness of the solid.

After dosing, the software can start the measurement automatically and record raw data immediately. A precise value for the surface free energy can be quickly determined from contact angle data of several test liquids thanks to the rapid exchange of dosing syringes and the programmable, semi-automatic measuring sequences.

The DSA100S and the software can be upgraded to any other system configuration at any time. This enables the degree of automation and the standardization of the measuring sequence to be increased as required. You also have access to the comprehensive range of accessories for the DSA100 for adapting the measuring conditions to specific processes.


1)      Manual x and y-axis and manual lift table (z-axis)

2)      Software-controlled single-dosing unit

3)      Zoom lens (7-times)

4)      Camera with 780 × 580 px resolution

5)      Very bright, homgenous LED illumination

6)      Viewing angle adjustment with stable image height

7)      Software for measuring contact angle and surface free energy of solids

中心及团队标准:0/小时;50/样品  校内标准:0/小时;100/样品  校外标准:0/小时;150/样品