介绍:PALS技术(PALS:Phase Analysis Light Scattering)是由布鲁克海文仪器公司开发的一项全新的Zeta电位测量技术,与传统基于频移技术的光散射方法相比,灵敏度可提高1000倍。许多从事新材料、生命科学、环境工程等新兴学科的研究人员长期以来苦于无法对诸如在低介电常数、高粘度、高盐度以及等电点附近这些测量条件下的样品进行分析,这就是因为其电泳迁移率比通常水相条件下低10-1000倍,传统方法没有足够的灵敏度进行测量,ZetaPALS的出现为他们提供了准确可信的测量技术。
Introduction:For measurements of low mobility, theunique, Brookhaven Instruments ZetaPALS isthe answer. There is nothing else like it. Withconcepts developed at Bristol University andBrookhaven Instruments, the ZetaPALS determineszeta potential using Phase Analysis LightScattering (PALS): a technique that is up to1,000 times more sensitive than traditional electrophoreticlight scattering.
Electrostatic repulsion of colloidal particlesis often the key to understanding the stability of any dispersion. A simple, easy measurementof the electrostatic mobility - even in nonpolarliquids-yields valuable information.Measurements in water and other polarliquids is easy and fast with the Brookhaven InstrumentsZetaPlus. Such measurements coverthe range of typically 9 - 100 mV, correspondingto a range of mobilities of 0.5 - 8 ×10-8 m2/V·s.
Measurements in low dielectric liquids, orin high viscosity oils, or in high salt concentrations,or even very near the I.E.P. involve mobilities10, 100, and even 1,000 times smaller. Traditionalapproaches simply fail under these circumstancesor suffer from poor repeatability.With the ZetaPALS such measurements aremade in typically 30 - 50 seconds, and the repeatabilityis typically 1 - 2%.
中心及团队标准:0/小时;50/样品 校内标准:0/小时;100/样品 校外标准:0/小时;200/样品