学术报告:Computational Materials Physics and Mechanics for Design


报告题目:Computational Materials Physics and Mechanics for Design

报告人:Jefferson Zhe Liu



报告摘要The advancement of modern computation techniques has enabled the ability to predict physical properties of crystal structures, establish structure-properties of materials, and simulate physical and mechanical processes for well-defined yet complex systems. Multiscale computation is becoming a powerful tool for design of complex systems. In this talk, I will start with a briefly presentation of my group’s research interests on nanoionics and nanofluidics, two-dimensional smart materials, and metallic/semiconductor alloys designs. Then I will focus on nano-fluidics and nan-ionics that investigate the molecular transport dynamics in nanopores/nanochannels/nanoslits. This includes gas molecule transport in nanoporous materials for gas separation and storage in clean energy and environment applications. It also includes the fluid and ion transport in nanoporous electrode materials for high efficient energy storage applications. Our focus is to discover new phenomena, reveal the underlying new physical mechanisms, establish quantitative models, and ultimately to rationally design new materials and new devices for real applications.


刘哲博士的主要研究领域为计算材料学。他的研究组主要关注于利用先进的多尺度材料计算模拟和机器学习的方法来设计新型材料。研究方向包括合金设计(金属结构合金和半导体功能合金),二维智能材料(能量转换),以及纳米流体和离子学(能源储存材料和器件)。已发表约100篇论文;其中约25篇发表在国际顶级期刊上,包括Science/Nature系列,PRLJACSAdv. Mater.Nano Lett;四篇ESI高引论文;部分科研成果在Nature news, Nature Chemistry news&viewsNature Nanotechnology news&views, Phys.org等学术期刊和媒体正面专题报道。


